Joaquim Pereira, known in the art world simply as Jotape (or “JP” in English), has always been inspired by his vibrant heritage. Born in Brazil, he grew up surrounded by a plethora of rich colours, music, and traditions. However, he did not immediately pursue a career in the fine arts, instead launching an international business that took him to Milan, Geneva, and Miami, where he eventually settled. After leading his business for many years, he was overcome by his passion for creating art and decided to finally build his career as a professional artist in Miami.
Since he made this decision over a decade ago, Jotape has made his mark on the international arts scene. Jotape’s style is electric and expressionist, using bright colours, geometric shapes, and lively brushwork in a variety of media. His street-art style is eye catching and very contemporary, yet it has a great deal of depth, not simply in look but in feel. Jotape’s work explores many different unique aspects of life, with Dompa, his cat, as the viewer’s guide. Jotape and Dompa might take you for a journey through Bach’s life and his many Baroque concertos or take a comedic approach to explore facets of the human experience. The different identities of various cities are also explored, from Toronto to Paris, embracing their platitudes and also their complexities. Jotape also creates commissions for his clients that represent their respective families, creating unique, graffiti style collages that contain candid images of clients’ loved ones. Like all of his work, these paintings exude positivity, humour, and a bit of irony.
Because of all of these qualities, Jotape has private and corporate collectors across North America, South America, and Europe. He has exhibited in both solo and group shows across these continents, including at Art Wynwood and during Art Basel week.